Introducing Venerable Pannobhasa Mahathera’s Many Blog Entries

Introducing Venerable Pannobhasa Mahathera’s Many Blog Entries

In April 2019 someone emailed me to let me know that there is an American Theravada Buddhist monk who might be sympathetic to my views. He directed me to Venerable Pannobhasa Mahathera’s blog and I sent him a message there introducing myself. He replied with the email below followed by my response. This began a long series of communications and videos together! Bhante gave me permission to publicly reprint our correspondence as I see fit, which is a vote of confidence that I am honoured to receive. Below is our first of many blogs on this website and you can see our videos on my YouTube and Bitchute channels.


Venerable Pannobhasa’s contact info is:


Blog: The Outsider


Old Buddhist Blog:


For Alternative Buddhism see Reddit:


On 2019-04-03 1:18 a.m., Paññobhāsa Bhikkhu wrote:

Hello Mr. Ruhe
Actually we have made contact before. Back around 2011 or 12 I was staying in Bellingham, WA (USA) and I was attempting to offer my services to nearby Dhamma organizations, and somehow I got your email address. It’s still in my contacts as Anyhow, your response was along the lines of a friendly admission that support even for resident teachers tends to be sparse. I found that in Bellingham a monk suddenly appearing at the local Dharma hall was met with mild alarm rather than enthusiasm, which is a big reason why I’m not there anymore.
At present I am in French Camp, California, which is about 20 miles from Stockton, where lives a sizable Burmese Buddhist population. Easiest for monks to live where there are devout Asian Buddhists who are keen to earn merit by supporting monks.
I don’t have a functional phone here. Even the land line doesn’t work. So I suppose we could communicate via Skype or some other video hangout type thing on the Internet, if you like. Plus there is always email.
As it turns out, there are very few “alt-Buddhist” teachers in the west, so what support we do get tends to be enthusiastic from westerners fed up with ultraliberal political correctness with a few elementary meditation techniques added and then called “Buddhism.” One guy I know set up an AltBuddhism subreddit that I’m sure you would be welcome to post stuff on. Also I have found that, a kind of alt-Facebook, is a fairly good platform for reaching out to non-“progressive” Buddhists.
Anyway, let me know what you have in mind. I plan to be in the USA until at least December.

The Brian Ruhe Show #104 – 1960 West 7th Ave., Vancouver, BC V6J 1T1 Canada Tel. 604-738-8475 email: Skype: brianaruhe cell. 778-232-2282

Dear Venerable Pannobhasa,

I am happy that you are closer to Vancouver than Burma. I don’t remember our contact in 2011 – 2012. I was just waking up then and I taught a course then called “Buddhism and the New World Order”. It would have been great to meet you then. I have been a Buddhist since 1991 and I have been looking for sooooooooo long for a western Buddhist who will tell the truth about Jewish power in the world. We really have got to talk! Skype would be very good. My Skype and contact info is above. What is your Skype handle? It costs me only 4 cents a minute to phone the US so please let me know if you have a phone number.

I want to promote your website and get you on my show so my audience can know you.

My teacher has been Ajahn Sona since 2000. He is at and we are with the Ajahn Chah forest tradition at .

I never heard of Alt-Buddhism before. Thanks!! Please let me know howto find the subreddit on that. I could post something.

I have made about 24 videos, “Jewish Control Over Buddhism” with several about the Insight Meditation Society controlled by Jews using Buddhism to serve Jewish political interests.

When can we talk? I do so look forward to meeting you. Senior monks like you who actually publish the truth about the liberals are a rare and precious gem in this world! If there’s anything I can do to help you, let me know.

Looking forward,

Brian Ruhe

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