South African Predictions of World War III

South African Predictions of World War III

by Brian Ruhe

After Russian leader Putin announced months ago that new Russian wonder weapon missiles could avoid detection, I became more concerned about predictions of World War III. These wonder weapons are described in several articles below from Russia Insider.

After Russian diplomats were expelled from the US and the UK I contemplated and felt a realization like several parts of my life and beliefs and relationships, interests, priorities, honesty, courage and inspiration came together in my mind to a higher level of clarity about the possibility of a World War III arising. I am considering how to prepare for a World War III, not prevent it. Who am I to prevent it?

At the core of this sombreness is Nicolaas van Rensburg, also called “the Seiner”, which means, the seer. He died in South Africa in 1926 and he made 400 predictions which came true and he predicted the Boer Wars, WW I, II and III. This evidence is published in the book, “Messenger of God” by Adriaan Snyman. I think he’s the best but he is almost unknown outside of South Africa.

I first met Simon Roche and Jack Sen in the fall of 2016. Both are involved with South Africa. Simon Roche is the spokesman for the Suidlanders which is a civil defence organization in South Africa preparing to defend whites in case of a civil war and Jack Sen has articles, videos and a Facebook presence about South Africa.

I feel that the globalist elite want a WW III. WW III could disrupt the pesky internet and also kill a lot European peoples who might threaten their sense of control. The elite probably have the technology and money to take cover and wait out such a cataclysm.

Namibia and South Africa are the places to go, the Seiner predicted as the northern hemisphere would be devastated. The US and Russia would be rendered as insignificant states with Russia a bit worse off. The UK would be wiped off the map. Now, after my insight, instead of alerting my family to move there with me, I considered that it would be better for me to be a spokesman for others to consider these prophecies and the idea of moving to Southern Africa to survive World War III.

This initiative is wide open territory. People compete with others in their professions but there is not a lot of competition about warning people to move to Namibia to survive WW III. If someone in 1938 made a job for himself warning people about a WW II in a year or two, that would have been a fruitful effort. Looking back we know that but in 1938 people generally didn’t know there was going to be a WW II. I don’t claim any psychic insights. I have studied trends and predictions for the future so my views are based upon my assessment. I am a futurist, in that sense.

Dennis Wise said in one of our public videos that he would rather we bring the war on now. That’s the way to deal with this globalist problem one way or another, he said. The end game according to Nicolaas van Rensburg is that the Germans will be the dominate people of the world and they will occupy all of southern Africa up to the equator. I’m up for that. I don’t want millions of people to die but breaking this present elite globalist power may be the result if the Seiner’s vision is true. I’m hoping the Seiner was seeing another timeline which won’t be our future but someone with his track record should be considered seriously. He described how Turkey would antagonize Russia and attack it and then Russia would roll across Turkey in one day and one night and then move into Europe. That would be the beginning of WW III. Today the tensions in Syria are close by with Turkey being antagonistic to Syria, which is allied with Russia. Many of the Suidlanders who have a religious conviction in the prophecies of Nicolaas van Rensberg feel the war is getting close.

I felt a powerful channeled connection with Simon Roche during one recording session when Andre Coetzee was present. Andre also stated to both of us that he felt it. Clearly in my mind at that time was the impression that prior to 1926 the Seiner watched us and what we were doing on Skype. The rational for this is, as Simon Roche claims, I am the first person to publicize their plight and the visions of the Seiner, to the outside world on YouTube, beyond South Africa. That was my merit in Nov. 2016 when I thought I was just politely accepting an interesting request from someone who wanted to be on my show.

Another powerful connection was at the end of January 2017. For hours on end I was living with thoughts and impressions of the devastation of the northern hemisphere. My chi energy was throbbing and pulsating and I was satisfied to have such a calm, concentrated mind. During those moments I reminded myself again and again that such a heightened state of mind was impermanent as I have had this experience many times.

The third powerful channeled connection was with Simon Roche during a private Skype when he was outside having a smoke in America and he shared information from his past with me. The significance of his revelation about a future race war in South Africa was almost overwhelming for me. I knew that I had to publicize the defence of whites in South Africa. My heritage is Dutch, meaning I have distant blood relatives all over South Africa, intertwined with the Boers.

So now, I will now take the next step on this clarified path and encourage my readers and viewers to read the prophecies in “Messenger of God” by Adriaan Snyman. The book is available at Amazon at:

On Amazon they state: “And more than seven decades after the prophet’s death the author, Adriaan Snyman, was victimised and threatened by the government of the day.” “Van Rensburg not only foretold the future of South Africa, but also that of England, Europe, America, Japan and Russia. Before his death in 1926 he predicted that ethnic violence will explode worldwide after the turn of the century and start World War III. He describes the events on the battlefields of the world in such detail as though he himself had been an eye-witness.”

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