A Comrade Stabs Brian Ruhe in the Back

A Comrade Stabs Brian Ruhe in the Back

A Comrade Stabs Brian Ruhe in the Back

This is a Skype email thread I had with Adrian Chetwynd. He is a like minded fellow in England who has been under attack by the Jewish establishment and I suspect that they were interfering with his family by keeping his away from his dear little kids while his ex wife has control over them. I felt for him and he wanted to record his testimony as a Skype video with me in case he was assassinated, then I would release the video.

We recorded for about two hours and I suggested that it would be nice to make a donation to The Brian Ruhe Show for my time and he promised that he would. Then, months later he Skyped me and I received his typed message at about 11:00 pm on October 19, 2018. This is how the conversation unfolded. I cut out parts relating to free speech being curtailed in the UK, to focus on our personal relationship.

Adrian: Are you still awake Brian?

Did you receive any of my numerous emails that I sent to you over the past 2 hours?

A very quick initial response, but now you appear to have gone quiet on me Brian. How very strange.

So there we go, after my recent experiences of both YouTube and my emails being censored, I’m now forced to conclude that Brendon O’Connell was 100% correct in his prediction that the jews would totally censor the internet at around about now.

Adrian, 9:34 PM

What are you on about Brian? And why are you avoiding my questions? And for your information I’m not scared of saying the word: “KIKES”!.

8:54 PM

Brian: Hi Adrian, I didn’t know about your emails until this Skype. You don’t see this from my side. I am not against your “side”. I am overwhelmed with people who want to communicate with me while I have lived below the poverty line since I became a truther. I spent hours listening to you and I have safely recorded my Skypes with you. I have a lot of time to give to donors and volunteers. Unless you want to help out, I don’t even have time to talk too you again. The reality is Jews help each other. White people DON’T help each other. I didn’t create this reality but I do live in it.

8:58 PM

Adrian: So my friend, are you saying that you chose to ignore me because I forgot to make a donation to you as I promised I would do? That sounds very odd to me. Anyway, can you please tell me how many emails you have revived from me during the last 24 hours.

Brian: Oh…. I didn’t even know but I got invited on to a radio show to talk about that. YIKES!

Oh! I got 8 emails but I won’t read them for the same conditions above.

(I checked and replied: 2

Then I checked and he had six emails under another name so I wrote back that there were eight emails.)

Brian, you have admitted that you could not be bothered to look at the 8 emails that I had sent to you a few hours ago (but many thanks for confirming that you did receive them), So what does that say about you Brian? I don’t doubt that if I had donated one thousand Canadian Dollars to you, that you would’ve wanted to read all of my emails. But seeing as I forgot to donate any money to you, the consequence was that you chose to display your true colors didn’t you. So why would that be? Was Sinead McCarthy correct in her former derogatory opinions of you? Please feel free to contest my theory. Regards Adrian

How much money do you want?

10:07 PM

Brian: I understand that you’re not aware that yesterday my landlord issued me a final warning that if I gave my keys to someone they would evict me. I have been stressed out with my own problems and of course you don’t know. Anyone observing me today would say I am way behind editing my videos and I can’t spend time answering emails because a video could benefit 3,000 people. An email benefits one. You write $1000. I had in mind $50 to http://PayPal.Me/baruhe

Adrian: Dear Brian, I am now beginning to wonder if you are Hollowcost “debt denier”? Because if the wonderful and most adorable “jewish people” had not made up their fake story of a particular “6 million”, then the odds are that you would not be begging for money to pay your rent.

Brian: Adrian you stated that maybe Sinead McCarthy was right about me. Lot’s of YouTube channel hosts ask for donations. For you to throw a loyal comrade like me under the bus so quickly and reactively means that you have lost the moral high ground and you have surrendered it to me, in our personal relationship. For the rest of our lives, I will easily maintain the moral high ground over you. You have accused me of being a Jew or a Jewish agent, which is makes no sense based upon my actions and how the elite Jews have fired me from my jobs and taken down my YouTube channel with 12,000 subscribers.

What I am writing is calm, rational and logical. I also have Buddhist metta (loving-friendliness) for you. I was lying in bed this morning visualizing another Christmas where you can’t see your little kids. It actually made my throat well up with that feeling, like I was about to cry. I’ve never had kids, except for my still born son, Alexander Asoka Ruhe, in August 1994. I love kids a great deal. I can only image your pain.


Oct. 19th Adrian wrote:


I’m off to bed in a state of being totally pissed off by the jews new censorship practices.

If you think that the jewish censorship is bad now, then you have no idea of just how bad it is going to get.




After writing the above, Adrian wrote back to me on Oct. 21st:

Brian, if ever I was to gain your previous level of status, there is no way would I ever entertain the very obvious shills that you do. And as for you even mentioning “UFOs”? Are you really so stupid?

I replied: There’s a lot of evidence for UFOs being intelligently controlled extraterrestrial craft. Do you deny this Adrian? Why do you think this is stupid?


On Oct. 22nd Adrian donated $100.50 to me.

I replied to him:

Hey Adrian,

Thank you kindly for your donation! You are helping me to keep up the good fight against our predator. I really appreciate that.

May the devas guard and protect you and your family always!

Be well, happy and peaceful,


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