Monstrous Lies on Gaia TV about the “20 and Back” Secret Space Program

Monstrous Lies on Gaia TV about the “20 and Back” Secret Space Program

Fake whistleblower Corey Goode “admitted that his stories were false and he insulted his followers by blaming them for being deluded enough to believe him in the first place!”

Monstrous Lies on Gaia TV

This is an AI video at Monstrous Lies on Gaia TV about the “20 and Back” Secret Space Program .

Gaia TV publishes monstrous lies. They have about 8,000 videos and you pay about $15 per month for a subscription. They have a series on the Secret Space Program with vast, complex lies by their guests, such as William Thompkins, Robert Wood, Jason Rice, Randy Cramer, Tony Rodrigues, Emery Smith and Michael Jaco. I believe that the ethical thing to do is to use free speech to out them so I feel an obligation to write this post.

I tried the free week on Gaia and I put Corey Goode’s name in the search bar and he has been deleted off their platform. He was their first and most famous “whistleblower” since 2015 when David Wilcox interviewed him for hundreds of episodes. Goode boasts that their stock went up from $68,000,000 to about $350,000,000 during 2015 – 2018, when his show reached it’s peak. But after being dropped from new episodes at Gaia in 2018, then in 2022, Goode sued Gaia and their speakers for stealing his intellectual property. He admitted that his stories were false and he insulted his followers by blaming them for being deluded enough to believe him in the first place! David Wilcock is much more famous and this debacle utterly ruined Wilcock’s reputation in the UFO community.

You can see YouTube videos of Corey Goode reluctantly admitting what he did. See these links:

Corey Goode deposition, session 3

There are over six hours of this deposition, most of which is boring so I don’t recommend you waste your time. To get vital admissions start at minute 10:00 in session 3, above and go to minute 30:00, then jump to 40:00 – 50:00. You can see Goode struggling to not admit that he lied but he does say it is his “creation”. Those parts are worth watching and provide much morbid fascination.

He’s saying that he was fired by Gaia and they brought in others who also claimed to be in the same Secret Space Program, but that this is his intellectual property. He constantly repeats the initials, “IP”. So, he’s suing them because he “created it”. My own guess is that he was hired as an actor and others at Gaia TV wrote the script for him. They needed a pathological liar and Corey was their man. You need careful writers for a lie this big to carry on for three years. Much thought has to be given to this huge deception so that he doesn’t contradict himself. So, I don’t believe it was ever his original ideas, yet now he was the gall to claim it as his IP.

Today, Gaia TV has deleted the 300 or so episodes with Corey Goode, most with David Wilcock leading him on with questions. Now they have videos of William Thompkins, Jason Rice, Randy Cramer, Tony Rodrigues and Emery Smith. In the Aug. 31, 2019 video, “Defeating the Narcissists in Ufology. Richard Dolan The Big Picture” at Richard Dolan says that when one of these disreputable people gets knocked down, there’s a dozen more waiting to take their place. Well, Dolan’s prophecy has come true. They are all lairs. Paid, premeditated, methodical and pathological liars.

William Thompkins was born in 1923 and claims that he worked in a sensitive top secret capacity in WW II when he was very young. He claims that he was a witness to the Feb. 25, 1942 “Battle of L.A.” which was one of the most dramatic UFO encounters in history. He says that he designed spaceships for the US Navy that were two kilometres in length but he had help from his Nordic E.T. secretaries. Richard Dolan said that Thompkins was just an illustrator. He made drawings but he didn’t design craft. Dolan said he doesn’t like to argue with a 94 year old man but he just doesn’t believe him.

On Gaia TV Thompkins describes the “20 and back” secret space program where people would join at age 20, serve 20 years in space, then elect to come back if the wanted. They would be age regressed 20 years, have their memories 90.99% wiped and sent back in time 20 years to when they left. It is an outrageous lie but a sucker is born every minute and many people believe this shit. You can see the video where he says 90.99%. I assume he made a mistake and meant 99.99% otherwise thousands of people would be remembering these “experiences”. And yes, he claims that thousands of people have gone on the 20 and back adventure.

Tony Rodrigues is the most popular of these con artists today and on his website he charges $100/ hr for a consultation. On Gaia he says that he was in the American Secret Space Program on Mars where he was attacked by mantid aliens who were native to the planet. Mantids are very advanced and wise so this turns the truth on it’s head. Then, the Americans traded him as a slave to the Germans, on the Ceres colony which is a planetoid near the asteroid belt. There are 220,000 Germans there with 40,000 slaves. These Germans are mean and arrogant, and break the space laws, taking whatever they want. It looks like the 1930s with their military formations and marble column buildings. In the video, “From Mars to Ceres and Beyond” Tony says that from the Ceres colony the Germans steal technology from other galaxies. Yes, galaxies, not just within this galaxy. Jay Weidner asks, “since they are so advanced why don’t the Germans try to take over Earth?” At 18:40 Tony explained that they think they have already taken over the world, through the bankers, who they control. The ridiculous truth is that it was the Rothschild bankers who declared war on Germany and destroyed it. You can study two centuries of the Rothschilds since Napoleon and see how their banking and other power has increased to this day. Long before Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany, these bankers, who Tony describes, have been in power and the Germans never got control over them. This monstrous lie is laughable but it makes you cry that people believe such bullshit.

All these heroes on Gaia agree on the big bad Germans, like Jason Rice. When asked why did Germany lose the war if they had such fantastic flying saucers, he explained that they didn’t know how to arm them until 1947. So, when Admiral Bryd went to Antarctica the German flying saucers were ready for him and they beat the American fleet back. Jason Rice was interviewed by Jay Weidner in Season 5, episode 1, in the video, “Spiritual Beliefs on Distant Worlds” and he proceeds to insult the E.T.s on various planets by describing them at the same low, 3D level as other Gaia TV writers and guest speakers. He says on some planets they were polytheistic and they believed that when they died a part of themselves would go to each of the gods that they worshipped. They worshipped similar to primitive humans and had gods for agriculture and fishing, etc.. Some were superstitious and would turn their shoes over at night so that evil spirits could not get inside them. Jason Rice went on with stupid stuff like this and he was the opposite of genuine experiencers like Suzy Hanen or Jeff Selver who have real, first hand experience of the Greys and mantids’ high level spiritual nature and ability to transform into light beings and be in higher dimensions. Rice also insults the mantids saying that he was being interrogated by one such mantid tormentor so he over powered the mantid psychically, then went after him physically.

“Captain” Randy Cramer worked on Mars for 13 years but never got paid. He spoke highly of his American superiors on Mars but he’s frustrated with the bureaucracy who lied about paying him after his 20 year tour of duty and return to civilian life on Earth. Now he has to work at some job when he should have had a million bucks coming to him, he says. He describes alien insectoids who took over a cave in Colorado. They behave similar to some ants and want to build and accumulate power. This indirectly is disrespectful to mantids because people may confuse them with these four legged insectoids, that he describes. Another one of the dark actors is the Zeta Reticulins. He repeats a tired false belief that they need our genes since they can’t produce well. This unfair negativity against the Greys is one of the biggest problems in the UFO community and Gaia TV feeds into this in other videos too.

Emery Smith is another one with intricate stories of his 20 years in space, utilizing his medical knowledge. He said that when he spoke out about his experiences they killed his whole family, even his dog but they didn’t kill him because that would make him a martyr with his millions of followers. Millions? Are these guys almost believing their own bullshit? David Wilcox wasn’t completely scrubbed from the Gaia TV videos as he is still seen on some old shows plus interviewing others but he is finished- humiliated. He used to be on stage with the biggest names in the world but he’s gone now.

Super soldier Michael Jaco learned to levitate and walk through wooden walls and was trained in many weapons to fight on the moon and on alien bases. The left side of his head was blown out in the secret space program but they had ways to regenerate it while he was out of his body for weeks. He was killed three or four times. He is bi-locating right now since a part of him can feel the other him in the 20 and Back program so he has learned to live within these two realities.

“German Flying Saucers” is another video. At minute 16:00 they explain that the Germans didn’t lose the war. They formed a Dark Alliance with reptilians in Antarctica and at minute 6:00 they tell you that the Germans who came to the US in Project Paperclip took over the American UFO program. At 10:00 they even try to make a convincing case that the Roswell crash was German technology tested there and instead of small Grey aliens it was midgets that these heartless Germans used for their tests.

Recently Emery Smith interviewed Tim Tactical Advisor (no last name) from Germany. This is in season 21 in the episode, “Mantis, Greys & Power Structures”. He describes the E.T.s and says that the Mantids assist the Greys as science advisors. This misleads the public because the mantids are at the top- the architects of the plans, which are carried out by the Greys. Emery Smith even asks Tim if the mantids are higher up and Tim does not confirm that, merely saying that they work closely together. Richard Dolan explains that the reason why people see Greys much more so than mantids is because you don’t see the boss on the factory floor. Tim proceeds to explain that the Greys contract out their abduction and genetic work to other races since they are the best at this work. This is wrong and misleading. According to Jeff Selver, the Greys work for a galactic federation and they are guided by the mantis ETs while they cooperate with other species as well. He said that any UFO is probably a part of the federation. Suzy Hansen never said the Greys are part of a galactic federation. That is a much hackneyed expression used by other people, but not by Suzy Hansen. Suzy has always said they are part of a group of ETs cooperating to carry out a positive agenda for humanity. The Greys are the front guys, who have the most contact with humans and were selected or volunteered for this purpose, according to their skills and technology. Other species are also seen on craft, who have other work to do behind the scenes. Tim, like most guests on Gaia, doesn’t express the higher dimensional and the great spiritual qualities of the ETs- reducing them down to the kind of 3D thinking that ordinary people have.

Go and see for yourself. You don’t have to give Gaia TV $15 per month. The seven days of free viewing is enough to turn your stomach so you will want to cancel your subscription before the payment kicks in. It’s a shame because they have 8,000 videos with some good stuff, like yoga classes and spiritual themes. A lot of good people there are smeared by association.

I know John de Nugent who recently spent four months with Werner von Braun’s son, David von Braun. John wrote to me this week:

“The idea of National Socialist (NS) Germans taking over the US military is beyond laughable… and shows indirectly yet again why Hitler banned democracy; the masses truly are asses, with zero ability to critically examine even the most outlandish claims. Beyond that, the Corey Goodes, Wilcocks, Sala’s, etc., to be blunt, are whores who bash Nazis to curry favor with the media.”

“David von Braun told me the Paperclip scientists were terrorized for decades by the Americans, as was his father with being arrested for crimes against humanity for using slave labor to make the V-2 rockets. They were so outraged at the abuse at the Army base in El Paso, Texas, which is right on the Mexican border, that many contemplated fleeing to Mexico and then contacting the Soviets (no friends of the NS Germans, of course) to work for them. That is an indication of just how bad the American Army mistreated the Paperclippers. Germanophobe president Eisenhower then transferred them all to Huntsville, Alabama, entirely to get them away from the Mexican border and impede any flight to Mexico and to the USSR.”

“David von Braun is not ideological, any more than his father was. But his father Werner was also apolitical, actually, and only interested in science and civilian space exploration, not NS ideals. In fact, he was under arrest by the Gestapo for a week on suspicion of going slow deliberately on the V-2 rocket program. But none of this prevented Americans from hating, harassing, attacking and threatening him.”

In conclusion, is Gaia TV wrong to do all of this? Gaia TV is part of the global controlled media. I believe that the wisdom of the Grey E.T.s is that they advocate lying to humanity in order to slow down UFO Disclosure. Gaia TV has muddied the waters for millions of people so that the public are misled about the true nature of the genuine secret space program and the true alien agenda for human advancement. Gaia TV has helped to slow down UFO Disclosure. So, are they good and right about what they are still doing today? What do you think? I am not a judge. It is not for me to decide. I feel that Gaia is wrong but that’s just Brian Ruhe’s personal opinion. After six days I cancelled my subscription so I am relieved that I didn’t give any money to this sort of people. This was their confirmation email:

Dear Brian Ruhe,

While we’re sorry to see you go, we can confirm that you are now cancelled and will no longer have access to our online library at Gaia, after 06/28/2023. If you ever have a change of heart, we’ll always be here, continuing with our mission.

To reactivate your account at any time, simply log into your account.

Thanks for evolving with us!



I hope this post will protect some new people looking around for the truth. Compared to other truthers, the UFO field is more susceptible to lies since we all know the government is lying to us and withholding the truth about E.T.s and UFOs. There is this feeling of floating because it’s not grounded in solid facts and it’s such a profound and inter-dimensional subject. So the truth vacuum gets filled with anything convincing that can be foisted upon the open and honest beginner. Be wary. Proceed with caution and many grains of salt.

Brian Ruhe


Corey Goode deposition, session 3

Q&A with Jay Weidner and Corey Good – Cosmic Disclosure – GaiamTV (Oct. 8, 2015)

Defeating the Narcissists in Ufology. Richard Dolan The Big Picture

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