Big tech is big government election fraud

Big tech is big government election fraud

A very dear American friend wrote to me, “There are lots of good video clips from the Lindell Symposium on election fraud which I hope gain traction as more audits are done. People are waking up. Here is a link to some of them if you are interested, I like the one with Dr. Shiva who had his senate race stolen back in 2018 in Massachusetts: <>

So, I just watched the whole 36 minutes and it’s time well spent. Opened my eyes to how the state, deep state, not party in power, has direct control over Twitter to censor brilliant Dr. Shiva, in this case. Facebook too. It’s all deep state. So any “misinformation” which is closer to real truth is censored and they can say, “Twitter is a private company. They have the right to do what they want”. As government they can’t stop the first amendment so they circumvent law with a direct line to big tech. Big tech is actually big government.

Dr. Shiva’s passionate speech finishes saying Americans or too fat, happy and dumb. The solution is a bottom up, grass roots effort. Get paper ballots.

My 2 cents is… a bottom up, grass roots effort will fail because the average Joe will follow big media. Checkmate. We’ve lost. It took a trusted friend to point this out to me. I am already awake but I didn’t see how thoroughly this system is done until I watched this video, above.

In 1934 when about 900 party officials voted against Stalin for the other guy, Stalin had all 900 shot to death. This is the same people acting more effectively. Americans would get upset if many people were shot by the state but they just carry along and grumble with this method of totalitarianism.

I still feel that a real solution will work with the Grey alien agenda. They will bring in the best people to take birth on earth and work from the inside, out, but I don’t expect you to believe that I am correct. And it could take decades or centuries.

This election system has failed the people. Our Canadian election in one month may be the same thing and give Trudeau a majority. It’s checkmate. Good to be realistic.

Brian Anthony Ruhe

PS. I am always optimistic about the future!

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