Would Humanity be Better off as Hybrids? Debate with Ian Halling and Brian Ruhe

Would Humanity be Better off as Hybrids? Debate with Ian Halling and Brian Ruhe

Below talk transcribed by blind Kelly Greenaway.

For transcription services please contact Kelly at kgreenaway915@gmail.com . Transcribed from the video

Debate: Would Humanity be Better off as Hybrids of Grey Aliens? Ian Halling vs Brian Ruhe

Brian Ruhe and Ian Halling debate about whether people should continue to have the free will they have today, or should humanity be transformed into human/grey hybrids with more order and a collective consciousness?

The MEANING of all this UFO stuff is something that Brian has finally figured out for himself after 61 years, including serious investigation since 2006 with about 3000 hours of study. Brian says that the meaning for him is the symbiotic relationship between Greys and humans which will result in “the great replacement” of our race, when the Earth is populated by hybrids within a few centuries from now.

Ian Halling is in the upper echelons of the UFO community and works as a researcher for Linda Moulton Howe at the YouTube channel Earthfiles, with over 200,000 subscribers. Brian is a grey alien agenda advocate and he significantly revised his top three priorities for humanity on April 19, 2021, which relate to this, at: https://www.brianruhe.ca/welcome .

On Brian’s Jan 20, 2021 video with Paññobhāsa Mahathera, the senior Buddhist monk explains that it is not so simple to say that we have free will or not. What about predetermination? The Buddha left it as a paradox, Paññobhāsa Mahathera says. If free will has a cause, then it is determined by that cause so it isn’t free. So, free will doesn’t really mean anything…

That video is, “A Possible Explanation for Free Will” at:


This video is more group discussion on April 11, 2021 after Brian read and commented on the book, The Dual Soul Connection – The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement by Suzy Hansen. The book is at: https://www.amazon.ca/Dual-Soul-Connection-Agenda-Advancement-ebook/dp/B00S1UREB4

Interviewer: Brian Ruhe

Interviewees: Ian Halling, and Dave


Brian: I’m interested in where do you find the most meaning? You’re talking about your personal experiences; to me, it’s about the Grey agenda to transform humanity to a superior human in the future. A hybrid human, is that really meaningful to you? Are there other things that are more meaningful to you about the ET reality?

Ian: Well, the first thing is, I think we’re beyond, with our group, and with most people in the field now, we’re beyond trying to prove it, or trying to get proof, that’s not relevant. What is relevant is understanding an alien agenda of what the plan is; none of this is for nothing, they’re not just space tourists, there’s some program that’s been going on for the last, at least forty years of genetic harvesting of human beings. And it’s a multi-generational thing that is looking at genetics for our species, and we keep moving with those hands at the clock nearer to midnight for that final scenario of how this world is going to end. We’re probably anyway, reaching the end of our lifespan of our civilization in that we’ve become technologically advanced, but not spiritually advanced enough to tame it; and that we are the architects of our own destruction. But, we’ve probably gone through this before, and we’re doing it again, because we never learned from it, because, as Jeff’s aliens say,

We’ve got this grabbing aspect that wants control, and doesn’t want to let go, and that’s where we’re putting ourselves, and possibly other dimensions at risk with our technology. But also, is there something very special about us, or are we all now a hybrid DNA manipulated species? Or is there something unique about us? I mean, unique about our soul, or our very essence? You know, in the grand scheme of things, looking at the earth, do we think that, is it even worth it? I mean, when you look at it, I mean it’s worth it to us, because we’re the inhabitants; but it would be nothing for an ET civilization to pluck some specimens of us, and put us on another planet, and start us again. That’s just so simple, so straight forward. Why are we so wrapped up, and we’re so wrapped up in it, because it’s our home, and we can’t have any way of getting off it; so those who think about these things, know that we’ve got to get our shit together on this planet, and get ourselves sorted out, otherwise, we will be gone.


Dave: Yeah, we’ll be a has-been civilization, and we’ll end up being in the future, there will be archaeologists from wherever, and they’ll look back on us, and go,

What was that for? What happened to them?”

It’s like you get with technology, it’s a two-edge sword. It gets to where it can either be for good, or evil, and when you don’t have other things at the level that you need to have a balance, then this is what we have. We have so many issues in this world that, sad to say, mankind has created itself. And just look at Fukushima, and these other terrible things that have happened; and then with the weather control, and when you look at things, and you come from a mind of common-sense, and care, and love, and want the best for everyone, you just shake your head, and go,

Why? Why are those people actually playing with things that they don’t know anything about?”

And then look at what happens. You know, as human beings, I believe we’re born with an innate need to actually explore, and do things, and a curiosity, but if you don’t have the right spiritual attitude, and mind-set to things, look at where we’re going?

Brian: I think we probably had four civilizations that have been wiped out in the past, and we’re next, but I think what Ian’s getting at is instead of it just happening again, us wiping us out, it seems with this hybrid agenda, the idea is to transform us into more spiritual beings. Greys, or the hybrids would be more spiritual to counter-act the destruction, so that we can carry on as a superior species. I’m just wondering. I like your view on it, Ian. I want to get your perspective. Do you have that same idea, that they’re trying to curb the destruction by getting rid of Homo-Sapiens Sapiens, and having a superior spiritual hybrid as an end result?


Ian: Well, looking at the evidence, the evidence is the anecdotal evidence that’s told to us, because this is where we are in the field at the moment. And it’s a good source of information, to actually find out what the actual experiencers themselves are being told. And to let’s say, build up a picture that’s the most realistic, and probable picture. And the probable picture is the picture that if we were doing this, we would want to save the species to have the species continue on a physical level. But we also want to be, we want them to be spiritually evolved, so they’re not gonna wipe us out again. But then again, do we have this special unique feature? This grabbing feature, that may be sought after, because it’s the last bit of free will? Maybe the last bit of free will that even the aliens don’t seem to have this free will. They’re programmed to do this; they’re what we call the progenitors who have sent out these beings, and they’re scientists, who seem to be from our point of view, their lives would be pretty boring. And, yeah they’ve got all the high technology, and everything else they can plug themselves in, they don’t have to worry about food, and technology protects them, but then where’s all of the excitement in all of this? Where’s the week-end white rafting down a river in a Kayak, or the camping out under the stars in the wilderness? You know, where’s the competitiveness of sport, and the excitement of romance, and love? It’s something like, yeah, but they might be technologically advanced, but aren’t we years ahead of them with the way that we live our lives, generally, when we do?

Brian: I think that’s a big philosophical question. Like Suzy Hansen, and I guess others, and Jeff Selver, are suggesting they do have a hive mind like you’re saying. They have a collective hive mind. They work, and Jeff described there on a craft, he was in a room, and they showed him, the Greys said:

This is our God,”

Which was some type of white light; so their seems to be a hierarchical order, and structure, and everyone follows along. And Suzy Hansen was saying when she was eight years old in the craft that nobody argues here, everyone gets along; so it seems quite nice, but the point you’re making is that we have free will, and we can do, we can be the rugged individualists, you know. We can do that, but it seems to me their civilization is better. It’s a higher realm, more heavenly and like she was saying they don’t argue, and also they have these devices sitting in the chair where they can have virtual reality, go into any realm you want in history, sounds quite exciting. Even though they have a collective. It seems that, I mean, OK, so they’re losing maybe free will, but that is Jeff’s point too, that human beings we don’t have a collective; so it’s a real political existential problem. Eight billion people, everyone has their own idea of what we should do, and the environment’s degraded, and politically, everywhere, people are taking advantage of each other; the elites are taking advantage of the poor. It’s not working out. It’s the grabbing function’s not working out, so I guess my question OK, we’ve got free will, we’ve got something that the Greys don’t have, but I think over all, their system’s better. So I think us becoming hybrids is a better thing to do; not just for the survival of the planet, and humanity, but probably it’s a better society. But you’re making a point that, well we’ve got free will, so that’s kind of the one thing we can have. We can have competitive sports, and stuff, and fall in love, so what do you think? What’s better over all? What do you think?


Ian: Well, at the end of the day, is there really anything we can do, do we get a choice? That’s the thing. Are we going to have other races make our minds up for us? Or is there something like on Star Trek, kind of a non-interference, or the prime directive? Whereby I’ll just have to watch, I’ll just have to watch this civilization fall apart? Or as Roger Waters put in his album,

The alien anthropologists looked at each other, and said this species has amused itself to death.”

As we just hope our way into some inevitable cataclysm. Mostly, maybe of our own design. And they’re just stepping in to pick out a few specimens that they can preserve, because of an interest that they want to preserve the life? Is it really that important? Do we have something that others don’t have, that makes us so special? You know, I feel quite glad that somebody out there obviously cares. Cares enough to intercede; even if we don’t see it at the moment as totally for our benefit.

Brian: Yeah, I guess you didn’t quite answer the question. If you had to decide, would you rather have humanity: the way it is with our grasping, grabbing quality? Or would you rather we became grey hybrids? What civilization do you think is better? If you had to decide.

Ian: Yeah, I would vote for retaining my free will, because I think once we start surrendering to the hive mind, even if it’s sold, like everything else is, as something that we need, and can’t do without, such as the latest technology. I think we were always happier without those trappings of the twenty-first century, as we are in now. So, I would be going no, it’s probably best to live life to the full, but with the risks and to accept the risks, then to accept the protection, but live a life that’s not so exciting. The analogy would always be we’re looking at a caged animal at a zoo. Yes, it gets its food, it lives a long life, and it occasionally gets to breed, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t run the plains, and do its own thing. And forage for itself, and know how to look after itself.

Brian: This is a really good philosophical conversation; that’s why there is such a high level with you on Meetup. I was actually surprised. I thought you were going to say,

Well, the grey’s civilization is better”.

Jeff was saying that they are more spiritual, and they use their technology for their spiritual development. They’re spiritually oriented, and they use their technology for this; and he described his elder Grey; some times she would just sit, and be. They’re like Buddhists. She would just sit, and be, and exist. So I guess I’d have to disagree with you. I think their civilization’s more spiritually oriented; and I think a collective is—politically, I think it’s a good thing. Maybe it’s OK we’re losing some free will; maybe that’s some disadvantage, like to me, it’s a compromise, or trade off. I think politically, having a collective is a good idea, and Jeff expressed this as well; that one problem I have with humanity today, in the twenty-first century, and the past, is that we’re not a collective. Meaning, it’s not just countries fighting each other. It’s the elite against the poor, and there’s no genuine political caring from the top down. Like, from the top down, they’re trying to exploit the masses. And if we had a more collective political system, like say the grey system, where the top down, like the mantids, the God, mantids, down to the greys, actually care about the little greys, the average greys, and then lower species, seems there’s lots of caring, and compassion throughout their society. So, I’m an advocate of the new system of human beings becoming hybrids. I’m an advocate. I’ve taken sides, in a sense; but I admit, I have this hypothesis; maybe I’m wrong. I’m open to evidence. Am I being mislead? I mean, I’m just making an hypothesis. I’m willing to change my mind, due to evidence.

I just want to mention, the prime directive on Star Trek, that came from Gene Coon, not from Gene Roddenberry. Gene Coon entered the series in the second year of Star Trek, and his wife said,

He came up with things like the Klingons, and some major concepts”.

His wife said,

He’d be writing a script, and he’d get stuck, and then he said well, I’ll just take a nap, and the ideas will come to me”.

So he’d take a nap, then he’d wake up, and all these ideas would come, and he’d be typing away, and she’d say,

Why are you typing so fast?”

He said,

I have to type like a Demon on fire, because the ideas come so fast!”

So it indicates maybe this was channelled to Gene Coon.


So anyways, the prime directive came from him. But I think what’s actually happening is the greys, and the aliens, they do not follow the prime directive, as we can see. They’re leading. They’re deciding humanity’s future. As a Buddhist I would say the law of karma controls everyone, including all the aliens, so it’s within the law of karma. And Jeff had this conversation with Rolf on a previous video. Rolf said,

Do they control human destiny”?

And Jeff would say,

Well, yeah, they do!” I said it as well.

So it seems that, of course, they’re not doing it openly, right? They’re not doing it openly, and landing on the White house lawn. They’re doing it by stealth. So it seems in reality, they’re not following a prime directive obviously, since they seem to be guiding us along. And Mimi expressed this in a previous talk, which we videoed as well; that she’s opposed to us not being consulted. Decisions being made without a democratic vote, or us not being consulted. I can understand. We’re not being—I guess from my view, what’s actually happening, regardless of my opinion, is we’re not being consulted. Obviously, the greys are just doing what they’re doing. Maybe some governments know about it, and no one’s talking about it, or revealing it, but obviously, it seems we’re not being consulted. The decisions are made about our future; but my analogy, I wrote to Jeff last week, it’s kind of like parents bring their kids to nursery school. Parents have a sense, well after nursery school, the kids aren’t aware they going to go to kindergarten, then elementary school, then high school, and their whole future is being guided; their whole life is being guided by their parents. And kids, they’re just aware they’re going to Nursery school, so to me, this is my attitude of how the greys, the Federation of Planets, are trying to have some curation, or maintenance, or planetary stewardship over humanity. Well, they think they’re trying to help us out, and guide us along for our benefit; and it’s also for their benefit as well. I would admit that if the grey aliens can’t live in our atmosphere as it is; they need a hybrid to actually live here. So it’s a symbiotic relationship. It’s supposedly good for them, as well as us, for them to be on this planet, they need to be a hybrid. So that’s my current hypothesis. Well, like I said, I’m always trying to refine my view, my hypothesis, so I just want to get your rebuttal, or your response to my view on what I just said.


Ian: Well, yeah, my view is that I’m afraid that if we tap into the high tech allowing us everything, giving us everything, it will be a virtual reality, and not one of our own choosing. We will find that we are then losing our free will. And there used to be a book called,

The Only Planet of Choice”

And maybe this is the only planet of choice. Maybe, this is one of the last bastions of free will out there, because when we meet these ETs, they all seem to be of a collective, AI based mind-set. Even if they are benevolent, and have our best interest at heart: is that what we really want for ourselves, or is it an inevitable future?

Brian: One response I have to that is I think most people with free will, well, they’re controlled by the globalists. The globalists give us television, and media in society, which is basically atheistic, and materialistic. Like, your society is not promoting a spiritual appreciation of life. Television is like sports, and stuff. It’s designed so most people are spiritually lost. They’re not making great spiritual efforts. So spirituality is something they do maybe a few minutes before they go to bed, they meditate. So spiritual development, or actual genuine personal growth is not at the centre of people’s lives. I say, most people in the world are not really growing, and developing that much. So in a way, they’re kind of spinning their wheels; so my point is the actual result of free will for 8 billion people, is they’re not doing very good. I’ll say back in the 1950s, maybe there was more wholesome family values in the past. I think it’s getting worse, like the Buddhist, Hindu view of the Kali Yuga, that we’re morally, spiritually going downhill. So yeah, I can comment on the value of free will. How good is humanity doing with its free will? I would say, some one like the Buddha, in fifth century BC, he had his free will. One of these rare individuals who focus on spiritual development, and makes great strides, gets full and complete enlightenment, being a Buddhist. If you’re an arahant, with free will, you can achieve full, and complete enlightenment. So, still I would say that from a Buddhist view. Mind you, that’s the highest being in the universe, a fully enlightened arahant, even higher than the greys, or a mantis. So that’s one advantage of free will; that as human beings, there could be some small minority with free will, who can really grow spiritually, and really hit the highest heights of what a being can do in the entire universe. So, I’m thinking, that’s maybe something special to human beings. The theory that the aliens recognize there’s something special about the human soul, that they can achieve full, and complete enlightenment; so there is something special about us. But another thing about that is Susy Hansen, she had a previous life as a grey, and other people had previous lives as greys. So, in terms of the soul, I’d say humans are not unique, because of our past lives. We could have been on other planets. We could have been aliens. We could have been greys. We could have been other things. We have a human life; and Jeff’s elder stated that in a future life, she will be his younger brother, as a human being on earth so she’s aspiring, or intending to take rebirth as a human. So, it seems in terms of the soul, certainly from a Buddhist view, there’s a continuum. The Buddha described a beginningless series of previous lives, like beginningless. Trillions, there’s no concept of a beginning. So I would say the human being is not unique, especially if you look in the galaxy, and all the galaxies; and I’d say we’re already probably some type of hybrid. So the soul itself, since it comes, and goes, you could be an animal, a ghost, a deva, heavenly being, angel, human, a grey, and back. I would say, probably we’re not particularly unique, and special. So, still, I think that a collective, I think over all, it’s worth the direction the greys are planning for us to become a hybrid of human, and grey. Over all, I say it’s worth it, I vote in favour of it, and I think if we have to give up some of our collective free will, especially if it’s going to save the planet, prevent nuclear war, I’m in favour of it.


Ian: Yeah, it’s funny, because we’re the lab rats in this anyway; so at the end of the day, we don’t go to lab rats and say, “Well, what do you want to do, guys? Do you want electrodes put in your brains, and live forever? Or shall I let you go out the back of the lab?”

Brian: Of course, those lab rats don’t really have any choice about what the greys are doing to—most people are not aware of this, and so we simply have no choice. I remember Mimi Nelson said,

I don’t give consent. I don’t give consent. I don’t want greys, or whatever, to do this, she mentioned the greys. But still, I mean, no one’s asking for their, her consent. They’re just going to do it anyways. I mean, realistically, that’s the situation we’re in, right?

Ian: Yeah, well we do have, as I say sometimes a lot of this, in this phenomena, where it’s dependent upon the agreement, sort of permissions given. And Jeff says,

Well, you agreed to this”.

They told him,

Well, you agreed to this”.

And many people will say that we did agree on some sort of soul level to what we signed up for. However, they do still seem to want our agreement to it, to certain things. And this is another aspect, where I’ve talked, for example about the people having interactions with people who are not quite human. And when they almost inevitably ask a question, seeking some sort of agreement on something before they can move on. And it seems they’re stuck on this, but you can face them down, and don’t make any agreements, and then they lose their power. It’s an odd thing to do, because they’re the ones with the technology. Why do they need our agreements to do anything? Is that the key to the access to the soul?

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